Communication dynamics driven by data: frontier exploration and trend analysis
投稿时间: 2024/8/20 0:00:00
中文关键词: 传播动力学;复杂网络;信息传播;机器学习;大模型
英文关键词: propagation dynamics; complex network; information dissemination; machine learning; largelanguage model
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(72274182)
姓名 单位
王妍 中国传媒大学数据科学与智能媒体学院
杨妺 中国传媒大学数据科学与智能媒体学院
王传彪 中国传媒大学数据科学与智能媒体学院
崔鸣宇 中国传媒大学数据科学与智能媒体学院
点击数:53 下载数:77



With the rapid development of the Internet and social media, the mechanism of intormatlondissemination and public opinion formation has become increasingly complex.This article systematically reviewsthe research progress in the field of information dissemination dynamics and public opinion simulation, focusingon how different types of real data can be combined with communication dynamics models, the application ofmachine learning in parameter estimation and propagation law prediction, and the broad prospects of combiningcommunication dynamics with large models in information dissemination research. This article proposessuggestions for optimizing model complexity and computational costs, improving data quality, and real-timedata processing through an analysis of a large number of communication dynamics literature.
