Game of Preference: The Failure of Rumor Refutation and Its Governance
投稿时间: 2024/8/20 0:00:00
中文关键词: 辟谣失灵;博弈论;偏好;谣言治理
英文关键词: Rumor Rejection Failure, Game Theory, preferences, rumor management
姓名 单位
闫俊 内蒙古自治区信息化与数字经济推进中心
宋彪 内蒙古财经大学
点击数:55 下载数:38



The failure of rumor refutation is a significant research topic in the process of rumor governance. Most studies have found that people tend to pay more attention to negative information, leading to the ineffectiveness of refutation efforts. The underlying mechanisms of this phenomenon remain unclear. Meanwhile, there are occasional cases where the involved parties not only manage to escape the negative impact of rumors but also leverage the situation to their advantage. These successful refutation behaviors often mitigate harm in advance, but the scarcity of such cases has led to insufficient research on rumor reversal.This paper constructs a game theory model based on peoples’ risk preferences and trust preferences to analyze the formation mechanisms of attention and dissemination preferences towards negative information, as well as the intrinsic rules of refutation failure. The results indicate that whether people focus on positive or negative messages depends on the ambiguity of the event and their risk preferences. People’s handling of rumor information influences the formation of the audience’s trust preferences. When the audience’s trust in the information is relatively high, refutation efforts often fail. Reducing the audience’s trust in rumors and implementing a refutation incentive mechanism can improve the dilemma of ineffective refutation.This conclusion attempts to explain the intrinsic rules of refutation failure and provides corresponding measures, offering some reference for people in rumor governance.
