Analysis of global competition situation of AI technology ——taking Metahuman as an example
投稿时间: 2024/8/20 0:00:00
中文关键词: 人工智能;全球竞争力;虚拟数字人;科技政策;专利分析
英文关键词: Artificial Intelligence; global competitiveness; Metahuman; science and technology policy; patent analysis
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金面上项目(72374184);中国传媒大学科研托举项目(CUC24BS11)
姓名 单位
公宣迪 中国传媒大学经济与管理学院
周晓萌 中国传媒大学媒体融合与传播国家重点实验室
任锦鸾 中国传媒大学经济与管理学院
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Artificial intelligence (AI) has become the core driving force of the new round of scientific and technological revolution. It is of great significance to clarify the international competition situation of AI technology for China to formulate policies in the field of AI and promote AI technology innovation. Metahuman is a typical AI technology integration. On the basis of clarifying the scope of Metahuman technology patents, 42556 patents were obtained from the Derwent database. Based on this, the evolution of Metahuman technology from 1973 to 2020, the competitive situation of the world’s leading enterprises, the technological layout of four countries in the field of Metahuman segmentation technology, China’s Metahuman technology development and the impact of relevant policies were analyzed. This paper puts forward some strategic suggestions on building the global competitiveness of Metahuman in China, and provides a reference method system for the study of the global competition situation of AI technology in China.
