Research on cross-chain feasibility method for Fabric
投稿时间: 2023/2/20 0:00:00
中文关键词: 区块链;Fabric;跨链
英文关键词: blockchain;Fabric;cross-chain
基金项目: 国防基础科研计划(WDZC2022601A103)
姓名 单位
梁瑞岿 中国传媒大学计算机与网络空间安全学院
隋爱娜 中国传媒大学计算机与网络空间安全学院
韩鹏斌 中国传媒大学计算机与网络空间安全学院
姚广政 中国传媒大学计算机与网络空间安全学院
点击数:740 下载数:1018



With the continuous development of blockchain technology, Fabric framework has become the most mainstream consortium blockchain framework. Faced with different business requirements, blockchain developers often build different blockchains for different application scenarios. This single-chain business chain faces risks such as complex business, low throughput and difficult expansion. Cross-chain technology can help simple business chains to interoperate and realize complex business functions. In this paper, the advantages and disadvantages of the current mainstream cross-chain technologies are comprehensively analyzed, and a cross-chain model based on relay chain and cross-chain middleware is proposed. Under this model, fabric cross-chain smart contract interoperability is realized based on cross-chain protocol, endorsement policies transaction proof and cross-chain transaction management. Experiments and performance analysis show that the method proposed in this paper is feasible.
