Distribution Regularities of Media Subjective Experience Quality
投稿时间: 2021/2/20 0:00:00
中文关键词: 媒体主观体验;主观质量评价;数据分布;假设检验;平均意见得分
英文关键词: Media subjective experience; subjective quality assessment; data distribution; hypothesis testing; mean opinion score
基金项目: 中国国家自然科学基金NSFC61831015
姓名 单位
朱文瀚 上海交通大学图像通信与网络工程研究所
张晓菁 上海交通大学图像通信与网络工程研究所
翟广涛 上海交通大学图像通信与网络工程研究所
张晓平 瑞尔森大学电子与计算机工程系
点击数:806 下载数:1342



With the rapid development of mobile multimedia technology, digital media contents have become ubiquitous and are flooding and enriching our daily lives. Digital images can be easily and instantly obtained and shared through mobile phones and other smart devices. However, it is inevitable that procedures such as image acquisition, compression, transmission and restoration in digital media will contribute to distortion of original images with high resolutions, thus rendering media experience quality assessment to monitor and evaluate the effect of processing in media particularly important. At the same time, since humans are the ultimate receivers of visual signals, effective and accurate subjective experience quality of media is able to provide reliable standards for the testing, training and evaluating of objective quality assessment algorithms. At present, there are a number of image quality assessment (IQA) databases that provide subjective scores on distorted images, which use mean opinion score (MOS) and differential mean opinion score (DMOS) as evaluation indicators. Nevertheless, only using an average score to reflect the subjective overall quality of media content is lack of rationality and accuracy, which should be considered more comprehensively. For instance, the media subjective experience ratings are subject to a certain distribution, so it is necessary to improve the existing subjective quality evaluation methods. In this paper, we construct a new media experience quality assessment database based on materials of the LIVE database. Also, we investigate the relationship between statistics of subjective ratings and the type of score distribution, categories of image distortion and image content. Furthermore, this work provides a reference for further research on the subjective experience quality of media.
