Dual-Band Cooperative Transmission of Novel High Quality Video in 5G Era
投稿时间: 2021/2/20 0:00:00
中文关键词: 5G广播;双频段网络;协同传输
英文关键词: 5G Broadcasting; Dual-Band Network; Collaborative Transmission
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(61671297) 上海市自然科学基金(STCSM 19ZR1426600) 国家重点研发计划(2018YFB1802202,2019YFB1802703) 上海市数字媒体处理与传输重点实验室 (STCSM 18DZ2270700)
姓名 单位
张文军 上海交通大学未来媒体协同创新中心
黄一航 上海交通大学未来媒体协同创新中心
何大治 上海交通大学未来媒体协同创新中心
宋利 上海交通大学未来媒体协同创新中心
徐胤 上海交通大学未来媒体协同创新中心
点击数:700 下载数:1149

为保证广播电视业务在新兴网络媒体冲击下仍具有强大持续的公众影响力,我国广电需紧跟5G商用化进程,构建以精品高新视频节目为基本内容、以移动终端为主要传输对象的新型5G广播电视传输网络,为用户提供随时随地、低成本、高质量的稳定收看及个性互动服务。基于我国广电部门统一运行和管理600MHz和700MHz双频段这一独特优势,本文提出了5G地面广播网与5G移动通信网的跨网协同传输方案,即在600MHz频段上使用5G大塔广播方案提供共性内容的大范围广播分发,同时,为解决大塔广播覆盖能力不足和互动能力缺乏的问题,在700MHz频段上借助5G 蜂窝组网方案的部分资源,实现个性化补包和个性互动内容的单播传输。以此形成的5G高新视频传输承载网,将兼备低成本高效分发与个性化互动收看双重优势,很好的为用户提供一个面向移动终端的全国性公共服务。


To guarantee a strong and persistent social influence of television broadcasting service under the challenge of the emerging media, China broadcast industry needs to keep up with the commercialization of 5G and construct a novel 5G television broadcast network, aiming to provide mainly mobile users with low-cost high-quality and interactive services anytime and anywhere. Considering the unified operation and management of 600MHz and 700MHz dual bands by CBN, this paper proposes a cooperative transmission structure consisting of 5G terrestrial broadcast and 5G mobile communication networks, which will provide common content by adopting 5G broadcast scheme in 600MHz band, and utilize a 5G cellular network in 700Mhz band to achieve package repacking when broadcast signal is weak as well as transmission of interactive content as per individual preference. This low-cost high-quality video service bearer is able to simultaneously support the low-cost delivery and personalized interaction and will be taken as one of important national public service for the mobile terminal .
