The research and analysis of broadcast-level VR video service scheme based on‘set-top box + VR terminal’
投稿时间: 2022/10/20 0:00:00
中文关键词: VR视频;机顶盒;VR终端;广播级;沉浸式
英文关键词: VR video; set-top box; VR terminal; broadcast-level; immersion
基金项目: 国家广播电视总局广播电视科学研究院基本科研业务费课题“VR视频终端技术指标研究”(项目编号:JBKY20210270);国家广播电视总局广播电视科学研究院基本科研业务费课题“3DoF VR视频图像质量评价关键技术研究”(项目编号:JBKY20220050)
姓名 单位
魏娜 国家广播电视总局广播电视科学研究院
郭晓强 国家广播电视总局广播电视科学研究院
点击数:552 下载数:517



At present, VR/AR technology is regarded as an important interface technology to enter the Metaverse, and VR video is increasingly applied in major events, sports events and other scenes. However, the current VR video services cannot provide users with high-quality immersive audio-visual viewing. This paper first analyzes the five dimensions of VR video technology development in detail, and then studies and proposes three schemes to achieve broadcast-level VR video service by combining radio and TV set-top box with VR terminal, and analyzes and compares the advantages and disadvantages of each scheme. In addition, this paper also studies the technical requirements of broadcast-level VR video service in many important links, and analyzes the representative VR video service examples. At the end of this paper, a summary is made and a prospect is made for broadcast-grade VR video service.
